David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center LLC, writes about common cosmetic issues those in their 60s often face and suggests using wisdom before moving forward with any cosmetic procedure. LOS ANGELES, CA April 26, 2019: Owner and Founder of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and […]
Historically, the 1960’s was a decade when baby boomers embraced and promoted peace and love. That was a long time ago, in a different century. While times are very different now, there’s no disputing that the baby boomers are the ones responsible for taking care of themselves better than previous generations. They are the trailblazers, […]
David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center LLC, discusses how taking care of one’s health and complexion has given rise to the collective agreement that 60 is the new 40 and offers a few suggestions for achieving the most graceful renewal at this age.. LOS ANGELES, […]
Here you are, a confident 60-something and if you do say so yourself, you look pretty amazing. In fact, you’ve done all the right things to keep your body healthy and that includes your beautiful facial skin. No wonder everyone is agreeing that 60 is the new 40! During this decade thoughts of retirement may […]
David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center LLC, tells readers that once their hit their 50’s often only surgical procedures can give the kind of aesthetic changes they desire. LOS ANGELES, CA March 28, 2019: Owner and Founder of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury […]
For a majority of men and women, when they reach their 50’s is the time they are most likely to begin an earnest exploration of facial surgery options. This is a great age to consider the fundamental changes and long-term facial rejuvenation that can only be produced with intensive surgical procedures. From a full, mid […]
David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical center, acknowledges how the skin begins to weaken and lose firmness, elasticity and resilience during the fifth decade of life and affirms that those signs of aging can be slowed down and possibly reversed.. LOS ANGELES, CA March 20, 2019: […]
Cosmetic Enhancement In Your 50’s We have come far in our understanding of what is required to take care of our human bodies. Eating healthful foods, exercising and thinking positively all contribute to our overall health and wellbeing. Protecting the skin in the sun year-round is also integral. Even the most conscientious person who adheres […]
David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center LLC, educates readers in their 40s about some of the popular and appropriate surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. LOS ANGELES, CA March 12, 2019: Owner and Founder of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center LLC, David […]
Choices Include A Variety of Temporary And Permanent Procedures The options for cosmetic enhancements in your 40s are plentiful. Depending on your goals and objectives you could select permanent or temporary procedures. If you would like to dramatically modify the appearance of a specific facial feature, or would like to achieve lasting facial rejuvenation results, […]