David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical center, turns his attention to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday as a great time to discuss family health on the same day as National Family Health History Day. LOS ANGELES, CA November 19, 2018: Owner and Founder of Beverly Hills Aesthetic […]
When we all gather around the Thanksgiving table this year, enjoying the bounty of riches, perhaps the last thing you want to discuss over a pile of mashed potatoes whipped with butter, milk and topped with gravy is your family’s health history. Nonetheless, it might be a good time to start that conversation. It doesn’t […]
David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center explains why the holiday season is the busiest for plastic surgeons and recommends planning for next year’s season. LOS ANGELES, CA November 14, 2018: Owner and Founder of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center, David Saadat, […]
The holiday season is one of the busiest seasons of all for plastic surgeons. If you were hoping to get a procedure during the upcoming season, you better start praying for a cancellation! The reality is that you may not even be able to get in for a consultation with a reputable surgeon at this […]
David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical center turns his attention to World Mental Health Day and contributing to creating greater peace instead of more stress . LOS ANGELES, CA October 10, 2018: Owner and Founder of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center, David […]
October 10th is designated as World Mental Health Day, which falls right in the middle of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As a plastic surgeon both topics interest me. I believe anything that causes stress can lead to emotional as well as physical disease. Dis-ease is the primary focus. Discomfort, disease, whatever contributes to this uncomfortable […]
David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical center, helps women return their bodies to their pre-baby beauty and reviews procedures and appropriate time frames for scheduling specific procedures. LOS ANGELES, CA September 24, 2018: Owner and Founder of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center, […]
It is a frequent question I am asked, as I am certain every plastic surgeon is. Can cosmetic surgery procedures be combined? The quick answer, and the one a prospective patient wants to hear is, yes. However, there are important caveats that must be considered. Obvious Advantages And Rewards The most obvious advantage to combining […]
David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical center, talks about the variety of intergenerational relationships people can have inside and outside of family and the value of pursuing self-improvement. LOS ANGELES, CA September 19, 2018: Owner and Founder of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical […]
September is a month dedicated to the celebration of many wonderful aspects of life. One of the most important to me is intergenerational relationships. Those relationships we develop first within our families: First and foremost is the relationship between parents and children. Then there is the extended family of aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Then as […]