The entire month of June is dedicated to the men in our lives. It’s Men’s Health Awareness Month. Men’s Health Week is the second week of June.
It’s no surprise that men tend to die at an earlier age than women considering that most men don’t like to go to doctors. Many men simply “man up” when they don’t feel well. As a result many preventable health problems go undetected until it’s way too late.
This month let’s celebrate all the men in our lives – and men’s health – and show them how much you care. The week leading up to Father’s Day is a time to Wear Blue to show support. Specifically, Friday, June 14th is the official Wear Blue Day. Whether it is your spouse, partner, friend, brother, dad, boyfriend or boss, show them support and Wear Blue.
Encourage the men in your life to get regular check-ups and to take care of themselves. Encourage them to educate themselves about testicular cancer, prostate cancer and other health issues that affect men. And encourage them to pay more attention to the health care of the largest bodily organ: the skin. The number of men that die from skin cancers every year due to their lack of knowledge about using sunscreen is double that of women.
Women have led the way with breast and skin cancer awareness. It’s time to get the men on board – to make men’s health a priority – so they too can live healthier, longer lives.
We’ll be wearing blue in our offices all month and focusing on helping men become more aware of how to care for themselves. Why not surprise the man in your life with one of our services to get him started in the right direction? It’s the perfect way to show how much you care.
We are proud to be in Los Angeles and dedicated to providing California patients with one of the best options for surgery, with Dr. Saadat’s global recognition, patients travel to our Beverly Hills location from all over the globe. We’ve compiled resources to help those traveling, have a luxurious and pampered stay.
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