You’ve heard the expression, “You can’t rush art.” Or perhaps the one that states, “You can’t rush perfection?” Well, you can’t rush important relationships either. I’ve heard it said and I’ve said it myself many times that finding the right plastic surgeon is like dating. You’ll probably consult with several plastic surgeons – and maybe even meet some frogs along the way – before you find the best one for you and your particular cosmetic procedure. The whole idea is that, like finding someone you want to date long-term or even marry, finding the right plastic surgeon is a relationship you would be well advised not to rush into.
Overcoming Fear
The right plastic surgeon will make you feel completely at ease and comfortable. After all, fear is what makes many people wait years before having cosmetic surgical procedures performed. Especially when it comes to the face. Even when someone desperately would like to change the shape and/or size of their nose or the shape of their chin, fear can be debilitating. It can take years to work up the courage to proceed.
Once someone has the courage, the next step is finding the right surgeon, the one who will give you even more confidence that your objectives will be fulfilled. You certainly don’t want a surgeon who wants to make you look “younger” or more appealing to the opposite sex if those are not your objectives. When your objective is not being clearly stated by the surgeon you are consulting, simply move on.
Go Slow Listen To Your Gut And Be Thorough
It could take days, weeks or months to find the right surgeon for you and your procedure. So, if there is a particular time-frame you would like to have the procedure performed, work backwards and begin your search well in advance.
If a surgeon seems routinely rushed, pressures you to undergo a particular operation, balks at you seeking additional opinions or delegates most of the care after the procedure to others, beware. Also, if you feel uncomfortable and you can’t seem to pinpoint exactly why, don’t follow through with that office, that doctor or, perhaps, that procedure. The relationship you have with your plastic surgeon is a private and personal one. It takes the right kind of connection to create the right match. For this reason, taking your time is key.
Different Approaches To Finding Plastic Surgeons
Some people are proactive and know they eventually may want to have an invasive cosmetic procedure. What these people often do is find a plastic surgeon for non-invasive treatments such as Botox and other fillers. They work with this surgeon for years and when ready for an eyelift or other procedure, they have a working relationship. However, that does not preclude the patient from consulting other plastic surgeons just to make sure this is still the right surgeon for the particular procedure.
This approach gives patients the advantage of knowing the office, the staff and aesthetic of the plastic surgeon.
If you haven’t been working with a plastic surgeon, do your homework and talk to as many plastic surgeons as necessary until you find the one that meets all the requirements that make you feel safe putting your face or body into his or her hands.
We are proud to be in Los Angeles and dedicated to providing California patients with one of the best options for surgery, with Dr. Saadat’s global recognition, patients travel to our Beverly Hills location from all over the globe. We’ve compiled resources to help those traveling, have a luxurious and pampered stay.
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