David Saadat, M.D., founder and owner of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical center, celebrates National Wellness Month and all of his patients.
LOS ANGELES, CA August 14, 2018: Owner and Founder of Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center, David Saadat, M.D., posted a new blog on his website entitled, “Celebrating National Wellness Throughout August” in which Dr. Saadat offers a couple of tips and many thanks.
Dr. Saadat writes, “All during August, the focus of National Wellness Month is on self-care, managing stress and promoting healthy routines.” He continues adding, “I invite you to create some new wholesome habits or reignite some that have fallen by the wayside and notice by the end of the month how much better you feel!”
According to Dr. Saadat, “Research has shown self-care helps manage stress and promotes happiness.” He elaborates, “Whether you challenge yourself to a new yoga pose or try a different spa treatment to help erase a few lines and wrinkles on your face, even a small change can impact your health and well-being in positive ways.
“Check your diet now that summer is almost over,” Saadat recommends, adding, “The barbeques and cocktail parties may have been tempting and you may have been consuming a few more sweet treats in the form of ice cream to help you endure the summer heat. Nevertheless, you can start making some healthier choices, even if it’s just one meal a week. End of summer tomatoes and other vegetables are being harvested now and offer tempting tastes that are healthier options.”
Read the entire blog at http://drdavidsaadat.com/celebrating-national-wellness-throughout-august/
About Dr. Saadat And Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center
Daryoush (David) Saadat, MD is a world-renowned, board certified, surgeon with over 20 years’ experience in Otolaryngology, Facial & Reconstructive Surgery and Sleep Medicine. Known for his unique and warm bedside manner, Dr. Saadat strives to help patients achieve optimal cosmetic and functional results.
A sleep, snoring and breathing expert, Dr. Saadat is part of a select group of surgeons chosen to work with Inspire Medical Systems for the treatment of sleep apnea. He also works with Spirox for the treatment of nasal airway obstruction. If someone you love snores, don’t wait. Ask Dr. Saadat about it.
Affiliated with top medical schools and hospitals in California, including Los Angeles County, University of Southern California Medical Center and Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Dr. Saadat is called upon to lecture on the latest surgical, sleep and breathing techniques. His dedication to educating and training make him a hot commodity on the lecturer’s circuit. Curious by nature, he has a passion for learning by doing and often assists his fellow doctors from around the world. The results are groundbreaking and produce innovative techniques that others follow.
Dr. David Saadat, Beverly Hills Aesthetic Surgical Institute and Roxbury Surgical Center, offer an extensive selection of effective, state of the art procedures that are individualized to meet each of your unique needs. Dr. Sadaat is board certified in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, otolaryngology and sleep medicine. Equipped with knowledge gained through both a wonderful career and excellent education, Dr. Sadaat and his staff are able to help you find the right path to personal satisfaction.
We are proud to be in Los Angeles and dedicated to providing California patients with one of the best options for surgery, with Dr. Saadat’s global recognition, patients travel to our Beverly Hills location from all over the globe. We’ve compiled resources to help those traveling, have a luxurious and pampered stay.
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